8 Questions (and bonus question) : Georgette Foster-Bell, Technical Director, Arcadis

Welcome to the 8 Questions, where we ask senior figures in the sector the questions every business leader and ambitious professional wants answered. In this edition, we asked Georgette Foster-Bell, Technical Director, Arcadis, what impact do you think STEM programs have on the number of women and minorities entering the industry ?

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What made you want to work in the highways and transport sector?

The ability to make a difference to the built environment.

What would you say is your career highlight so far?

Working to decarbonise construction. The ability to contribute to a cleaner and better more sustainable future.

What advice would you give someone just beginning their career in the highways and transportation sector?

Make sure you embrace your passion and enjoy the difference you bring. The more women that join the sector the more represented we will be.

Why is intersectional talent so crucial to the sector?

Everyone brings a bit of themselves in what they do. Just as we are unique individuals this diversity of talent, history and culture should be represented in the sector and therefore this can be reflected in our design and our builds. 

What impact do you think STEM programs have on the number of women and minorities entering the industry ?

We know STEM has a vital role to play and therefore we need to act as role models;  it might not be something you are comfortable with, but when I did my first STEM event a young women asked me what had I done to make it easier for her and I was put on the spot. I said I am here at this STEM event, but I guess what she was asking and she wanted to know was “what more you can do above STEM programmes” and now I do; trying to be a voice for others and showing what can be achieved.

Do you think your race affects the work you do? / if so how?

I think race can play a role in terms of my outlook on things. I can not always relate, but I bring difference that brings it's own value added construction and gives a voice for people like me.

With the theme of black history month being saluting our sisters, feel there are enough people at your level who look like you?

Not at all. Unfortunately, there aren't enough people that look like me, with my lived experiences. That’s why I am trying to support people like me to see the value and rewards in this sector and not only break the glass ceilings but create way to elevate others.

What do you think leaders need to be thinking about or doing today that perhaps wasn’t part of the equation for leaders five or ten years ago?

Technology, work life balance and jobs for life. Young people today are not as loyal, want things yesterday due to the pace of life. Construction needs to keep up with this and promote the use of digital technologies. There are exciting positions but we don't often showcase them with people that they find relatable.

With 20 years working in the industry how do you think it’s changed?

I think it is a lot more tolerant and progressive but unfortunately there are still too few females in this sector. I know I will be working for at least another 10 year so up for the challenge of bringing in more diversity, inclusion and brand transformation. This is not a closed network but a place of opportunity.

Georgette Foster-Bell, Technical Director, Arcadis

Georgette is a qualified Programme and Project manager with over 19 years’ experience at National Highways, during which she was the Major Projects Decarbonisation lead. Her considerable repertoire of expertise includes technical review, documentation control, development of scope of work and specifications in Strategy, Policy, Project, Analytical, and Customer orientated roles.

Georgette has in-depth and detailed knowledge about the processes, systems and networks that National Highways administer having established or operated many of them whilst in position, showcasing considerable skills she brings to every assignment. Through supplier engagement, collaboration and contract management she provided clear objectives, Delivery Transformation, Customer & Information Strategies to improve capabilities to achieve the desired value add outcomes respecting values and behaviours

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