The Foundation was created by CIHT to receive charitable donations from collections and other appeals to distribute to activities and projects that we can support as part of our charitable aims. The focus is on educational or innovative proposals that advance the art and science of highways and transportation. The funds raised go into a restricted CIHT account so that they can only be used strictly for this purpose.
CIHT has kept the criteria and procedures for applications simple, fair and transparent to encourage applications from a wide range of ideas for projects and schemes. Applications for funds are considered on their merits by the Chief Executive and the Vice President.
The CIHT Foundation can support bids up to a maximum of £5000 that include:
Anyone wishing to apply for a grant should first read the CIHT Foundation - Criteria and Guidance document.
If you believe your project or activity meets the relevant criteria, please complete the relevant form:
Grant Application Form (grants up to £5000)
Small Grant Application Form (grants up to £250)
These should be returned to:
CIHT Awards for Students
As a Research & Innovation Partner, the following four categories of student awards are available. Each Partner may submit a request for up to two awards within the calendar year.
Partners who wish to apply for the awards have to complete the following form: Student Prize Application Form
If you require any further assistance on how you can become more involved with the CIHT Foundation, please contact CIHT via e: