Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is made up of the President, Chair of the Board of Trustees, Vice President, Immediate Past President, Honorary Treasurer, and up to eight Voting Members to be elected by the Council (including the chairs of all the Strategic Boards).

Trustees have a responsibility to ensure that the affairs of the Institution are kept in good order, and legal and statutory obligations are fulfilled. They are responsible for controlling the management and the administration of the Institution and, if negligent, are personally liable. Each Trustee has a personal responsibility to ensure that statutory documents for example the Annual Report and Accounts, are produced and submitted on time.

The Board of Trustees is also responsible for agreeing the subscriptions for membership and drawing up detailed Revenue and Capital budgets for the coming year and outline budgets for the four years beyond this. At each meeting, progress against budget is monitored and action initiated as required.

All Trustees are asked to make a declaration of interest each year. Trustees receive no remuneration for their work but are able to claim expenses.  The Register of Interests and information on expenses payments made to Trustees is available for inspection on request.

Board of Trustees 2024-25

  • Glenn Lyons, President 
  • Gordon Baker, Chair
  • Mitesh Solanki, Vice President
  • Simon Hindshaw, Honorary Treasurer
  • Karen McShane, Immediate Past President
  • Nik Bowyer, Chair Appian Trading Board
  • Steve Carmody, Chair Membership and Member Services Strategy Board
  • Jon Parker, Chair Education and Professional Development Strategy Board
  • Peter Molyneux, Chair Learned Society and Technical Affairs Strategy Board
  • Kaine Lynch, Regional Representative
  • Darran Kitchener, Trustee without Portfolio
  • Kate Carpenter, Trustee without Portfolio
  • Antony Clewes, Trustee without Portfolio

More details on the work of the Board can be requested by contacting the Board Secretary on t: +44 (0)20 7336 1559 or e: e:
