Strategic Boards

CIHT’s Strategic Boards have been established to deliver the object of the Institution:

To advance for the public benefit the science and art associated with highways and transportation in all their aspects; and to promote education, training, and research and development of the said science and art.

The main aims of the Boards are to provide strategic guidance to CIHT and deliver the strategy, business plans and outputs on behalf of the membership.
For inquiries about CIHT’s Council, Strategic Boards and Panels please contact the Governance team on: e:

Members of the relevant committees and groups can access their relevant pages here

Appian Trading Board

The Appian Trading Board was set up as part of the new structure agreed by Council in February 2010. 

Formed in 2004 the trading subsidiary was established to reduce the risk of the Institution unintentionally trading outside its permitted area and becoming liable for tax, to reduce the danger of ‘riskier’ activities undermining the core work of the Institution, and to enable the Institution to undertake activities outside of its charitable objects to generate funds to be used to support of the work of the charity.  In the new structure the Board has an enhanced role in actively managing the Institution’s commercial activities.

The terms of reference for the Appian Trading Board are:
1. To have a strategic oversight of the commercial opportunities for the Institution            
2. To agree and oversee the delivery of the centrally organised social and technical events programme            
3. To maximise income and sponsorship opportunities            
4. To manage and monitor the effective delivery of strategies for maximising income from room lettings and other non-charitable activities

To find out more information about this strategic board please contact e:


Audit Committee

The Audit Committee’s role is to provide reassurance to the Directors/Trustees that the Institution, including its trading subsidiary (Appian Trading), is being operated in accordance with best practice, within the law, with financial probity, and in accordance with the requirements of relevant regulators.

The Audit Committee reports to the Board of Trustees and is required to make at least one formal report each year. Whilst responsible to the Trustees the Audit Committee is essentially outside the formal reporting structure (i.e. it determines its own work plan, and is free to comment on the work of the Council, Trustees or staff as it thinks fit). The Audit Committee’s reports, while addressed to the Trustees, will also be made available to the Council of the Institution for discussion.
Membership: Six current or former members of the Council of the Institution and a Vice President, ex officio. The quorum is three (excluding ex officio members). The maximum term of office for members of the Audit Committee is six years.

The group has the power to co-opt specialist help as required (for example, personnel or finance advisers from other organisations).

To find out more information about this committee please contact e:


Learned Society & Technical Strategy Board

The key aims of the Board are:

  • To act as a ‘think tank’ identifying current/emerging issues and best practice.
  • To ensure CIHT members’ wide spectrum of interests are covered by the Board’s activities
  • To promote and support innovation, progress and excellence
  • To stimulate research and studies, and carry out the dissemination of knowledge transfer, to the membership, profession and beyond
  • To encourage members and the profession to get involved in the technical work of the Institution.
  • Working with the TP magazine team to promote the status of the profession through targeted factual statements and other material concerning the work and interests of the profession.

To find out more information about this strategic board please please contact e:


Membership & Member Services Strategy Board

The Membership & Member Services Strategy Board was set up as part of the governance review implemented in June 2021. This Board sets and reviews standards and requirements for membership, monitors the regular review and development of member services, among other activities.

To find out more information about this strategic board please please contact e:


Education & Professional Development Strategy Board

The Education & Professional Development Strategy Board was set up as part of the governance review implemented in June 2021. This Board sets and reviews the strategy for providing pathways to professional registration, monitors compliance with mandatory CPD and review CPD opportunities open to members, among other activities.

To find out more information about this strategic board please please contact e:
