Who's Who

CIHT Republic of Ireland committee

CIHT Republic of Ireland held its Annual General Meeting on 01 December 2023, electing its committee for the year ahead. 

The AGM offered the opportunity to elect the committee, reflect on the past year and look forward to the next.

Here you will find details of the elected committee. 

Matt Steele


Matthew has been a Director of Traffic Transport and Road Safety Associates Limited (TTRSA) since 2009. He has over twenty years of experience in the industry and specialises in the fields of Transport Planning and Road Safety.

Matt is registered as a Road Safety Audit Team Leader with Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) and has undertaken all stages of Road Safety Audit (Stage F, 1, 1/2, 2, 3 and 4) on all types and scales of scheme, including the M50 motorway and its associated junctions.

He is a graduate of both the University of Salford and University of Westminster, and has worked extensively in Ireland and the UK, previously holding senior roles in Mouchel Parkman (MP), Transportation Planning International (TPi) and Colin Buchanan and Partners.

Matt is a member of the CIHT Learned Society and Technical Strategy Board. He is also: a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport; a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society; and, a Member of the Local Government Technical Advisers Group (LGTAG) Strategic Transport and Highways & Infrastructure Management Boards.

John Fleming 

Honorary Treasurer

Bio to follow.

Colm Kelly

Honorary Secretary

Bio to follow.

Glenn Hingerty

Recruitment Officer

Glenn Hingerty is an Assistant Lecturer (Civil Engineering) at Technological University Dublin where the focus of his teaching is in the area of Transportation Planning, Engineering and Design.

Glenn is a Co-Chairperson of TU Dublin’s MSc in ‘Sustainable Transport and Mobility’ programme, as accredited by CIHT. He is a Chartered Civil Engineer with Engineers Ireland, a Chartered Transport Planning Professional with CIHT and a Transport Infrastructure Ireland approved Road Safety Auditor.

Prior to taking a position at TU Dublin, Glenn held various positions at both Jacobs Engineering and the National Transport Authority while teaching Transportation Planning, Design and Modelling at University College Dublin part-time. His industry experience mostly features Transport Planning, Modelling, Traffic Impact Assessment, Infrastructure Design & Appraisal, Road Safety Auditing, infrastructure construction and the Design & Operations of Public Transport Networks.

While his background professionally is in civil engineering, he is passionate about promoting the transport planning profession particularly amongst those from multi-disciplinary backgrounds.

Vincent McCarthy

Elected Member 

Vincent McCarthy has been working with the National Transport Authority in various roles since 2017. He currently works as a Transport Planner Engineer III in the Service Planning Division, primarily responsible for assisting the Authority in its roll out of the Connecting Ireland Rural Transport Strategy.

Vincent is also a qualified and practicing Mediator and writes articles for his local paper on cycling in the area.

Vincent is keen to promote the profession of transport planning to those thinking of working in the area and hopes his year on the CIHT ROI board will be fruitful in that regard.

Dr. Shreya Dey

Elected Member

Dr. Shreya Dey is a Consultant and Civil Engineer, currently working as an Intelligent Mobility Consultant at Arup, where she is working on a diverse range of projects in the areas of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS), Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAV), Sustainable Transport, Micromobility, and Transportation Emissions.

She holds a master’s degree in Transportation Systems Engineering and completed her PhD in Civil, Structural & Environmental Engineering from Trinity College Dublin. Her PhD mainly focused on Vehicular Emissions and the work was undertaken as part of the “Greening Transport” project funded by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Ireland.

Paraic Caroll

Co-opted Member

Dr. Páraic Carroll is an Assistant Professor in Transport Engineering in the School of Civil Engineering at University College Dublin, where he lectures in transportation modelling, policy, and planning.

Prior to this Páraic worked as a Transport Modeller in the Transport Planning and Capital Investment Division of the National Transport Authority.

Páraic completed a PhD in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering at Trinity College Dublin, his thesis was entitled: 'Incentivising Car-shedding Behaviour in the Greater Dublin Area'. Which examined the behavioural response of commuters within the Greater Dublin Area (GDA), to a range of policy incentives devised to encourage travellers to make greater usage of sustainable travel modes for work and education trips.


Other Elected Committee Members: 

  • Brendan Meskell
  • Carl Courtney
  • John Fleming
  • Cathal Fahy

 Other Co-opted Members:

  • Lorraine D'Arcy

