Code of Conduct

Membership Code of Conduct

CIHT's Code of Professional Conduct provides details of the rules of professional conduct that govern the ethical behaviour of all members, irrespective of their grade.

The Code of Conduct covers the areas of competence, conduct and professionalism in members' duties to employers and clients, to the profession and to the Institution. The Code details members' obligations to safeguard the public interest. Any allegation of a breach of the Code is investigated by the Professional Conduct Panel and appropriate action taken under CIHT's disciplinary procedure.


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CIHT's Code of Conduct can be downloaded below.

CIHT's Code of Conduct


A complaint against a member of the Institution should be made on the Complaint Pro Forma and submitted to the Chief Executive. CIHT will not normally proceed with a complaint if legal action is pending which might have an outcome on the investigation or investigate a complaint relating to a member which is alleged to have occurred more than two years prior to the date of the complaint.

Complaint Pro Form

Disciplinary Procedure


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