Membership with CIHT offers people who work in or aspire to work in highways, transportation and infrastructure – regardless of qualifications, experience, discipline or department – opportunities to broaden their knowledge, widen their network and develop within the sector.
If you have any further questions please contact, call us on +44 020 7336 1555 (Option 1) or complete the enquiry form
Here we address some of the most frequently asked questions and misconceptions people may have about CIHT membership. So if you are considering joining, upgrading your own membership, or encouraging (or even sponsoring) a colleague to apply, please read on.
Who can join CIHT?
CIHT has a wide range of membership grades meaning that there is a category of membership for everyone. You may be working in a related field, studying towards an engineering or transport planning qualification or simply have a passion for highways and transportation. For more information, please visit Membership for Individuals
Membership allows you to access products and services that have been specifically developed to meet your personal and professional needs and share experiences and ideas with fellow professionals and like-minded individuals. Benefits include access to our membership magazine, Transportation Professional, as well as regular updates with news from the sector; peer networking; access to CIHT Learn – the new professional learning CPD hub; the professional recognition gained from the use of your CIHT post-nominals; exclusive member-only resources as well as complimentary access to 50-plus webinars. Find out more about what we can offer you.
CIHT’s extensive CPD offering and routes to the professional qualifications CEng, CTPP, IEng and EngTech will ensure you are well supported on your professional journey.
CIHT has six categories of membership:
• Apprentice
• Student
• Graduate (GradCIHT)
• Associate (AMCIHT)
• Member (MCIHT)
• Fellow (FCIHT)
Membership provides you with a passport to a powerful knowledge network and the opportunity to develop your own expertise and to share experiences and ideas with engineers and transport planners around the world. For more information on membership categories, please visit CIHT Membership for Individuals
Being granted chartered status in 2010 for the Institution was formal recognition by the State that highways and transportation is a bona fide profession working in the public interest. Becoming a Chartered Institution has brought benefits in terms of reputation and increased influence, notably in our advocacy work and demonstrates the high levels of competence and professionalism of our members.
No, membership and chartership are separate - by joining CIHT, you can receive post-nominals depending on your grade of membership. Chartered Engineer is an award/designation separate from Membership. You have to apply to become a Chartered Engineer allowing you to use CEng after your name.
Yes, there may be a significant number of members across all our grades who, because of their role or their circumstances, won’t need or want to be chartered. Membership of CIHT demonstrates a high level of competence and this continues to be recognised within the highways and transportation profession.
CIHT offers access to the full range of engineering qualifications (EngTech, IEng and CEng, CTPP). Depending on the qualifications held, candidates can follow either the standard route or the individual route. Candidates interested in checking out which route they are eligible for should complete an initial assessment. As a member with a professional qualification, you must maintain your CPD throughout your time with us.
We get a lot of questions around individuals’ academic backgrounds. For CIHT membership we welcome those from all backgrounds and, with the exception of the Graduate grade, a degree is not a pre-requisite of CIHT membership. Your membership application will focus on your work experience to date.
For Student applications, you only need one proposer who could be your lecturer. For our Associate and Member grades, your sponsor just needs to confirm that the details provided in your application are correct. Sponsors need to be people best placed to support your application. It could be an academic tutor, your line manager or a colleague you work alongside. Sponsors are not required to financially support your application nor will they be asked to provide statements about you (except Fellow applications). Ideally sponsors supporting membership applications should also be CIHT members but we understand this is not always possible. We therefore do accept sponsors who are members of another professional body or institution.
We accept applications for membership throughout the year, so you can submit an application at any point when you feel ready. Your first year of CIHT membership is on a pro-rata basis, meaning you only pay from the month of joining until the end of the calendar year. If you’re applying for a professional qualifications including Chartership, you will need to check our website for the latest application submission dates which fall throughout the year.
Applications are processed by the membership team and an outcome is provided within two weeks. Fellowship applications are reviewed by assessors who are Fellows themselves and act as volunteers. Though they work to deadlines to ensure applications are processed as quickly as possible, given the volume of applications we receive it typically takes around four weeks for the whole process to be completed. You can help by ensuring your application is completed fully in the first instance and responding promptly to any requests for additional information.
Our membership year runs from 1 January to 31 December and you can join at any point in the year and your fee will be pro-rated so you only pay from the month you join until the end of the year.
In the UK, yes. As a UK HMRC-approved professional body, membership fees qualify for a tax deduction. Outside the UK, you will need to check with your local tax authority.
If you have any further questions please contact, call us on +44 020 7336 1555 (Option 1) or complete the enquiry form