Female apprentice Alisa Ahmad takes the engineering sector by storm

20th Dec 2022

CIHT’s 2022 Apprentice of the Year Award Winner Alisa Ahmad didn’t always want to be an engineer. The lack of exposure at school hindered her knowledge on the engineering sector and with no female engineering role models to look up to, Alisa was none the wiser about where her future career may lie.

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As her school days passed and she started sixth form it was time to narrow down her career paths. Her keen interest in maths found her researching the engineering sector and from doing further research, the thought of building something with pride excited her.

In 2019 Alisa scooped up a Civil Engineering Apprenticeship with BAM Nuttall Ltd which kick started her career in the industry. Alisa’s husband, who she had known since school, was overjoyed to see her hard work pay off. However, the hard work was not over. Joining the male dominated sector as a diminutive 19-year-old female was very daunting and with no construction knowledge prior to the apprenticeship Alisa wasn’t sure if this was the right career path for her.

However, she was presently surprised, saying: “I haven’t been through any discrimination. Those I work with respect me and treat me equally. I feel the challenges I face are based on my self-confidence which I am working on. My religious beliefs are also respected in the workplace, whether it is when I am fasting, wearing a hijab or need time to pray.”

Her confidence has since grown, and Alisa is able to manage work areas and gangs. When speaking with Alisa she told us she has unfortunately only worked with one female engineering since joining BAM Nutall, but she hopes to work with more.

She decided to take the matter into her own hands when becoming a STEM Ambassador. This role allows her to go into schools and discuss civil engineering as a potential career choice, especially for females. Since becoming an ambassador, Alisa has observed that younger female students are much more open to a career in engineering than those in the years above. She assumes this is because they haven't been exposed to as many stereotypes so are more open to the idea of becoming an engineer.  

Alisa feels as an industry, we are compounding diversity strategies and educating people. She is also an EDI champion at BAM Nuttal allowing her to contribute attention to detail on projects such as posters, female PPE and prayer rooms. Alisa is a part of the positive change happening in the sector and helps to ensure her colleagues can be more comfortable in the workplace.  

Winning CIHT’s Apprentice of the Year Award this year has given her the recognition she deserved for all her hard work since becoming an engineer. When receiving her award Alisa told us she was proud to be recognised by CIHT. She said “CIHT is amazing at promoting diversity, I remember reading the Shifting the dial 5-year plan on the website and it is strategies like this which should be implemented. Webinars and blogs regarding diversity are also encouraging to see in place.”

Alisa continues to strive within a team that allows her to develop her knowledge and skills and loves seeing drawings come to life. Knowing she has made a difference in terms of sustainability also gives her satisfaction. Projects such as Stourton Park and Ride, the UK’s first solar-powered park and ride, allowed her to contribute towards a greener future.

Encouraging the younger generation to enter the engineering sector doesn’t stop for Alisa when she gets home. She has two younger brothers, Faris who has finished his A levels and is working as an Assistant Engineer at BAE Systems Air. The youngest, Saim, is very proud of Alisa and is always curious about her job. Alisa tries her best to help with their education and help them discover their career choices, acknowledging just how daunting it can be.


>>> Register your interest for the 2023 Apprentice of the Year Award


Words by Jessie Dunn, Digital Communications Officer at CIHT

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