CIHT is excited to offer an additional date for the CIHT CLIMATES: Changing Landscapes for Infrastructure and Mobility: Assessing Transport and Environment Scenarios online workshop for members anywhere in the world unable to attend one of our 8 in person workshops. The timings have been chosen to make these workshops accessible to colleagues in the eastern hemisphere to ensure their perspectives are heard.
This workshop is held in two parts, please only book if you intend to attend both sessions. Bookings are currently open for CIHT Members only.
CIHT CLIMATES is a new initiative that is exploring possible futures for transport and the environment and what the implications for professionals and organisations in the highways and transportation sector. We are asking our members and the sector what are the priorities for the transport sector as we enter a crucial period for tackling climate change?
We are holding free workshops throughout the year to gather opinion and insight. We are excited to announce that we are holding an online workshop for members unable to attend one of the 8 in-person workshops being held across the UK. Spaces are limited so don’t delay in registering.
Whatever your views, wherever you are in the highways and transport sector or whatever your career stage we want to get your insight and ensure CIHT CLIMATES draws on as many perspectives as possible.
To find out more about CIHT CLIMATES visit here.
If you have any further questions about CIHT CLIMATES or this workshop, please contact
Got a question?
t: +44 (0)20 7336 1555