Join CIHT's first lunchtime webinar of 2024 about Resilience to extreme weather events in the highways and transportation sector.
You will hear from leading experts how the transport sector can respond quickly and effectively when infrastructure and services are disrupted due extreme weather conditions.
Don't miss the opportunity to take part in our live Q&A session where you can ask our guest speakers your questions.
Join this webinar to hear exclusive insights from industry experts on the importance of building resilience to climate change and extreme weather events within the highways and transportation sector.
This lunchtime masterclass will be the perfect opportunity to:
The UK has recently experienced extreme weather conditions that have put our highways assets to the test with events such as the July 2022 heatwaves, Storm Agnes, Babet and Ciaran's heavy rainfall in Autumns 2023.
Our highways network has been highly impacted with road closures and disruption in transport services. It has become clear that adaption and resilience to extreme weather events are a key component of the way we operate our network and provide transportation services.
In this masterclass you will learn:
By hearing from:
This webinar is open to both CIHT Members, CIHT Partner Employees and non-members. It will be of particular interest to those wanting to learn about how to the transport sector can respond quickly and effectively when infrastructure and services are disrupted due extreme weather conditions.
This webinar is free for all CIHT Members to attend and is charged for CIHT Partner Employees and non-members.
Dr Emma Ferranti undertakes interdisciplinary research at the intersection of infrastructure, the built environment and green infrastructure. She currently holds an EPSRC Fellowship examining how Nature Based Solutions can deliver infrastructure resilience to extreme weather and climate change.
Emma also leads and contributes to a range of projects in the fields of transport, infrastructure resilience, climate adaptation, air quality, and green infrastructure in the School of Engineering at the University of Birmingham.
Aleka Toogood leads the delivery of TfW's Climate Adaptation and Resilience Plan and oversees climate risk and resilience. Aleka has been working in the transport sector for more than 10 years and has spent the last four years focusing on environmental issues and climate change. She chairs the TfW's Climate Change Adaptation working group and keeps TfW informed about Welsh and UK policies relating to climate change. Aleka is passionate about building resilience in Wales, focusing on solutions that will provide socio-economic co-benefits and keep communities connected.
Amanda works for Surrey’s Highways and Transport Service as Assistant Director for Highways. She manages Network and Asset Management functions including strategy setting, network management, digital infrastructure, programme generation and delivery. She also takes the lead within the directorate on Innovation, Skills and Recruitment. With a keen interest in developing in Highway Engineering she successfully completed an MSc in Highway Engineering.
As well as her work in Surrey, Amanda is the current President of LGTAG (Local Government Technical Advisors Group) and is also a key player in the development of better road condition information at a national level as a member of the UK Roads Board and chair of the Road Condition Management Group.
If you have any questions regarding this event, please contact the CIHT Conferences & Events Team on +44 (0)20 7336 1555 or
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t: +44 (0)20 7336 1555