Day 5 - The Future of the Sector: Get ahead, be inspired and understand what is on the horizon for the sector and young professionals. Unmissable content which will enable you to differentiate yourself and get a headstart on your competition.
Purchase your Day 5 pass: The Future of the Sector Day today
This year CIHT are running an exciting week-long Young Professional Festival of Learning that will bring together an exciting range of topics and speakers to explore the Future of Transportation.
Get ahead, be inspired and understand what is on the horizon for the sector and young professionals. Unmissable content which will enable you to differentiate yourself and get a headstart on your competition.
Attendees who sign up for this event either as an individual or as part of the week-long package, will also have access to a selection of additional resources on the day. This will include supplementary webinars, events and exclusive case study material that will further examine what it means to be a highways and transportation professional and your role in the future of our sector.
You can’t afford to miss out on the original perspectives, real-world insights and numerous connections you will take away from the CIHT Young Professionals Festival.
Get a headstart and understand the future direction of the industry and how it will impact you and your employers.
Get fantastic training and CPD
Fast-track your knowledge and boost your skills so you can contribute even more to the future growth of your company
Get the inside track on emerging trends, innovations and more from experts in the areas that matter most to your company
Gain insights and best practice which will supercharge the efficiency, effectiveness and economy of your company’s plans
Get ahead of the competition and stay ahead of the game as you discover what is on the horizon for the industry and what can be done to succeed
Enable your company to demonstrate their support of future skills and young professionals
What is CIHT’s Professional Development Framework:
CIHT’s Professional Development Framework is an on-line system that offers employers a structured approach to professional development for their employees working in Highways & Transportation. The Framework allows users to record knowledge and experience gained at work and benchmark their progress against professionally recognised standards. The Framework is the only Highways & Transportation competency-based training programme available. It has been designed and approved by CIHT and our partner organisations within the sector.
Why you should join and fee first hand how you can Supercharge your career with the support of CIHT:
The structure of CIHT’s Framework enables you to access a Mentor who supports you towards attaining one of 4 professional qualifications of your choice (CEng, IEng, EngTech, CTPP), while enabling you to update your skills and knowledge while gaining recognition of your achievements. With administrative support available from CIHT, you can get your questions answered directly by the expert, have excellent networking opportunities, access to strategic connections and receive the latest news and opinions, as well as being able to access decades of archived documents.
The highways and transportation sector is facing significant change. How we design, operate and deliver the transport infrastructure will require new ways of thinking. This panel debate chaired by Deborah Sims, CIHT Vice President will engage leading industry experts including Sue Percy, Chief Executive, CIHT, Lizi Stewart, MD UK Transportation, Atkins, Ted Miller, Organisation Development Director, Highways England and Jack Smith, CIHT Apprentice of the Year 2019 to determine what we can expect and how we can be prepared.
This event will be the culmination of the CIHT Young Professional Festival of Learning and will draw together evidence from across all the workstreams to highlight how we can make changes that will make a difference.
This session will also see the presentation of the CIHT Young Professional of the Year 2020.
Have you got what it takes to be the CIHT quiz champion? Why not find out and take part in this event hosted by the CIHT Yorkshire and the Humber Emerging Professionals Committee
Programme At A Glance
19 October - Our Climate Future
20 October - The Future of Design & Planning
21 October - Emerging technology that will change the world
22 October - Future Skills & the Workplace
23 October - The Future of our Sector
>>> Buy the 5 day pass and access the content for the whole week >>>
Once you have purchased your day passes or 5 day pass you will be sent an email with links to the relevant pages where you can plan your day and reserve your apace on the events you want to attend.
Got a question?
t: +44 (0)20 7336 1555