Urban Design Resources

Useful documents, websites and presentations

The below sets out documents, websites and presentations the Urban Design Panel consider important for CIHT members active in Urban Design.

CIHT has an active Urban Design Panel which aims to influence the legislation and processes which shape our built environment. You can find links to some of their work, and other key resources below.

The Public Sector Equality Duty

Equality and Human Rights Commission - Advice and Guidance

Equality and Human Rights Commission - Financial Benefits

Department for Transport - Inclusive Transport Strategy

CIHT - The Case for Diversity: The positive impact of diversity in business

CIHT - Creating better streets: Inclusive and accessible places


Streets and Transport in the Urban Environment

CIHT, Tim Pharoah (2018) - Buses in Urban Development

CIHT, Mark Philpotts (2015) - Planning for Walking

CIHT, Mark Phillpotts (2015) - Designing for Walking  

CIHT, Kris Beuret et al (2015) - Involving the Public and Other Stakeholders

CIHT, Rob Gallagher et al (2014) - Planning for Cycling

