5 things to do for your Professional Development in 2024

31st Jan 2024

Cat Goumal, Head of Education and Professional Development shares her top 5 things to do for your professional development in 2024.

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1. Review your goals and create a Professional Development Action Plan for 2024:

Take some time at the beginning of the year to think about what you want to achieve professionally this year. Setting goals gives you something to aim for and helps to keep you on track. CIHT Learn has tools to help you to easily create a personalised Development Action Plan (DAP) outlining your goals, the learning you plan to undertake and the skills you want to develop. Is it your first time creating a Development Action Plan? The easy to follow CIHT CPD Guide has some excellent advice and the Your CPD bitesized module on CIHT Learn walks you through how to plan and record CPD so is a great place to start. 


2. Focus some of your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) on Transport Decarbonisation:

Since 2023, all CIHT Members have been expected to focus some CPD on transport decarbonisation.  We have the transport decarbonisation pathway which helps you to identify the key areas of knowledge for you. We also have a range of fantastic resources for you to choose from including free modules on CIHT Learn on the fundamentals of transport decarbonisation and carbon accounting as well as case studies, podcasts and recorded webinars on a huge range of topics including active travel, behaviour change, innovative materials and low carbon construction and maintenance practices. We have also published new technical guidance on embedding decarbonisation into procurement and using Artificial Intelligence and data to drive emissions reduction. 


3. Take the First Steps to Gaining Professional Registration: 

Is 2024 the year that you want to gain recognition for your professional skills and expertise?. Whether it's becoming a Chartered Engineer, Incorporated Engineer, Engineering Technician or Chartered Transport Planning Professional the first step is to complete an initial assessment. 

CEng/IEng/EngTech initial assessment

Chartered Transport Planning Professional initial assessment

You just need your CV and details of your academic qualifications and we will be able to advise you on your rout to professional recognition. New for 2024 we have launched our experiential route to CEng and we will also be re-launching our Professional Development Framework to support journeys to professional registration. And we already have lots of resources to support you on your professional registration journey. 

4. Become a mentor or reviewer

If you are already CEng, IEng, EngTech or CTPP think about supporting others to gain professional registration by becoming a mentor or reviewer. Both mentoring and reviewing are great ways to give back to sector, share your knowledge and experience, and help others to achieve their career goals. You can make a positive impact on someone’s life and contribute to growing the professionalism of the highways and transportation sector. As a CIHT mentor or reviewer you will have access to training and guidance to help you take on these roles. 

5. Inspire the next generation: 

Do you want to inspire the next generation of highways and transportation professionals? By signing up as a CIHT STEM ambassador you will have the opportunity to share your passion for the sector and develop your own skills. Whether it’s attending a careers fair, running a classroom activity or speaking in an assembly CIHT ambassadors broaden career horizons and build awareness of the importance transport plays in everyone’s lives. Once you sign up you will be supported with training, opportunities to engage with young people and we even have a range of engaging resources you can use in schools. 

For help and support contact: education@ciht.org.uk 

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