CIHT call for ORR to have greater transparency in its role in holding National Highways to account

3rd Oct 2024

CIHT has submitted its response to the Office of Rail and Road ORR’s ‘Holding National Highways to account: policy consultation’ calling for more transparency and review of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

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CIHT has responded to the Office of Rail and Road (ORR)’s Holding National Highways to account: policy consultation.

Antoneta Horbury, Director of Policy and Technical, said: 

It is important that the ORR in its role of holding National Highways (NH) to account ensures greater transparency of how they operate and deliver their outputs. The latest Annual Assessment of National Highways performance April 2023- March 2024 highlights that NH will not be able to deliver some of their previously agreed KPIs. In our submission, CIHT calls for a transparent review of KPIs and clarity on how the new ones have been set and for the review to also include whether all of these are fit for purpose.


Key points highlighted in CIHT’s response include: 

  1. Review and Transparency of KPIs: CIHT recommends that the ORR review whether the current KPIs for National Highways are fit for purpose, ensure transparency in the review process, and clarify how new KPIs are set.
  2. Clear Actions and Accountability: The ORR should clearly indicate actions to be taken when National Highways fail to meet a KPI, clarify issues that would be considered contraventions liable for fines, and incorporate feedback from a wider range of stakeholders.
  3. Enhanced Stakeholder Engagement: The ORR should improve transparency and processes for external engagement, ensure clear communication on actions taken to resolve issues, and regularly review and adapt processes to address evolving challenges like climate change and net-zero goals.
  4. ORR should focus more on the experience of users of the network: Gain regular feedback directly from users, especially the freight industry who use the network extensively. For example, roadside equipment not only needs to be in good working order (a KPI which is measured) but also displaying accurate and timely information.

You can find CIHT's full response here. 


About the consultation

The ORR announced the consultation on 1st August 2024, seeking views on the new Holding Nation Highways to account policy, which will be in place from 2025.

The original consultation can be found here.


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