CIHT EDI Charter gets an update

28th Jun 2023

We have enhanced our Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Charter, to help you shift the dial on equality, diversity and inclusion

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We are working to ensure commitment within the sector becomes meaningful action and that the bar is continually raised.

We have revisited our original Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Charter   to help drive progress and sector-wide learning.

What’s new

  • Commitment statement - we have updated our Charter statement to reflect our enhanced EDI Charter
  • Self-reflection template – we are encouraging signatories to share examples of EDI in action
  • Renewal / sign up – new signatories are encouraged to provide examples of their EDI practice. Signatories will renew their status annually, sharing further examples of EDI in action to demonstrate meaningful progress.
  • Join our EDI Charter Signatory Peer Support Network – where signatories can learn from peer organisations and share examples of best practice, challenges, approaches and solutions.

Who can sign up?

Our EDI Charter is aimed at any organisation that operates within the Highways,  Transportation and Infrastructure sector, irrespective of size, structure and context.

We will facilitate and encourage shared learning as not all organisations may have dedicated EDI resources.

To sign up contact Emma Carruthers, EDI Manager, CIHT on

In signing the Charter, organisations have committed to:

  • Striving to achieve best practice in recruitment, retention and career progression practices as employers.
  • Fostering an environment free from harassment, unfairness and unlawful discrimination.
  • Supporting the development of good equality, diversity and inclusion practice by collecting and sharing data and examples of practical activities on an annual basis to contribute to progress in the sector – using CIHT’s EDI Charter Self Reflection Template
  • Assigning responsibility for meeting our   Charter commitments to a named, senior level individual.
  • Working to develop and adopt future protocols and practice that support the implementation of the aims of this Charter.
  • Recognising, respect, promote and celebrate contributions from different people to strengthen team performance.
  • Displaying the CIHT Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Charter logo to publicly demonstrate their commitment to this agenda.

Current Signatories

More information about the EDI Charter including which organisations have already signed up is available here.

Help & Support

To find out more about the CIHT Charter please contact: Emma Carruthers, EDI Manager, CIHT on

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