CIHT Honorary Fellowship granted to Michael Matheson MSP

8th Dec 2021

The Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation has today (8 December 2021) presented Michael Matheson MSP with Honorary Fellowship of CIHT.

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Michael Matheson MSP is the Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero, Energy and Transport, Scottish Government. Michael was presented with an Honorary Fellowship by Deborah Sims, President of CIHT after he gave the keynote address to CIHT’s Young Professionals Conference ‘What’s on the horizon?’.

Deborah Sims, President, CIHT said:

"CIHT have really appreciated Michael’s commitment across the highways and transportation sector, and we believe he has shown real leadership during some challenging times."

"In recognition of this and particularly in reference to his work in driving through Scotland’s National Transport Strategy, we at CIHT are delighted to be able to present Michael with Honorary Fellowship of the Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation."

"CIHT believe that Scotland’s National Transport Strategy is progressive, inclusive and advocates a vision for Scotland’s transport system, that will help create great places. It advocates a sustainable, inclusive, safe, and accessible transport system, helping deliver a healthier, fairer, and more prosperous Scotland for communities, businesses, and visitors. It sets out priorities to support that vision: reduces inequalities; takes climate action; helps deliver inclusive economic growth; and improves health and wellbeing."

"We look forward to working with Michael on future activity."

Honorary Fellowship is the Institution’s most senior grade of Membership, is awarded by CIHT’s Council and is only presented to people of ‘eminence and distinction’. For more information about the criteria behind this award, please contact e:

Notes for Editors

Michael Matheson MSP

  • Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero, Energy and Transport from the Scottish Government.
  • Elected as the MSP for Falkirk West following the May 2007 elections
  • Appointed Cabinet Secretary for Justice in November 2014 and reappointed in May 2016
  • Appointed Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure and Connectivity in June 2018
  • Instrumental in delivering Scotland’s renowned Transport Strategy#

Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation

CIHT is a chartered professional body for those working in highways and transportation.

We support our members throughout their careers by providing:

  • industry-recognised training and qualifications
    professional standards
  • research and business insights to help plan, design, build, maintain, manage and operate transport infrastructure and services
  • leadership on key transportation related issues

We have members across the world, working in the public, private, academic, research and not-for-profit sectors.

CIHT is the only body to offer the full range of professional transportation qualifications including Chartered Engineer, Incorporated Engineer, Engineering Technician, Certificate of Competency in Road Safety and, uniquely, Chartered Transport Planning Professional. These qualifications ensure that our members work to high professional standards on behalf of the societies we serve.

We have a network of valued partner organisations – representing the private, public, research and education sectors – that support and collaborate with us in our work and align to our values.

Our work is governed by our Royal Charter. Our object states that we exist:

“To advance for the public benefit the science and art associated with highways and transportation in all their aspects: and to promote education, training and research and development of the said science and art.”


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