CIHT in 2023: 12 months of achievements

27th Nov 2023

Over the last 12 months, CIHT can look back on many successes and achievements. We are very proud to deliver consistently across our strategic objectives during a time when we have all been exposed to economic, social and political uncertainty.

Last year, we launched our CIHT Strategy 2022+ that we developed in consultation with the wider membership. This identified three strategic priorities (promote learning, influence the future and promote the value of membership) for CIHT to work on over the next few years. Below we have summarised some of the key activities in support of these that we have delivered on throughout the last 12 months. 

Promote Learning 

We said we would 

Achievements / Activities in 2023 

Encourage and support members to achieve recognised professional qualifications 
  • 102 applicants for Professional Review (CEng, IEng or EngTech) and 36 applied for Transport Planning Professional through CIHT in 2023.
  • Delivered 22 End Point Assessments for Transport Planning Technician Apprentices.
  • Completed 422 initial assessments for Engineering qualifications and 171 for Transport Planning Professional.
  • Regular professional qualifications webinars held for both standard and individual route. Recordings available on the website.
  • Experiential Route to CEng has been piloted and to be rolled out in 2024.
Demonstrate and promote the value of qualifications to professionals and employers 
  • Regular presentations and updates to key stakeholders and at industry events.
  • Delivery of a webinar series that promotes qualifications and professionalism.
  • Profiles of successful professional qualifications candidates featured in TP magazine.
  • Details of apprenticeship schemes across the UK highlighted on the CIHT website and for National Apprenticeship week.
  • We are contributing to the development of the new civil engineering degree apprenticeship in Wales and the review of the civil engineering degree apprenticeship in England.
  • New Professional Development Framework scoped for launch in 2024.
  • Key topic raised with partnership network.
Embed CPD as an essential requirement for our members at all stages of their career 
  • New CPD policy guidance released including the expectation that all members focus some of their CPD on transport decarbonisation.
  • Members can now plan, undertake and record CPD on CIHT Learn.
  • Over 890 members are already recording their CPD using this new function on CIHT Learn.
  • The CPD course on CIHT Learn has been updated and continues to be free for members.
  • Transportation Decarbonisation Pathway Launched (a CPD framework to fulfil climate action goals).
  • Key topic raised with stakeholders 
Provide mentoring and professional development opportunities to our members 
  • Provided guidance and online learning for prospective Engineering and Transport Planning Professional qualification mentors.
  • Members now have access to a mentoring module on CIHT Learn. 
Develop and deliver a digital learning platform for our members 
  • Continued to regularly add new content and courses onto CIHT Learn (a range of courses on professional and personal development) – 61 courses now available.
  • Planned programme of new topics and courses to be rolled out throughout 2024 


Influence the future 

We said we would 

Achievements / Activities in 2023

Shape and contribute to transport policy across the UK & internationally
  • Represented CIHT in government consultations across the UK through a supporting framework of policy forums in Scotland, Wales and NI.
  • Recognition in several Transport Select Committee inquiries and the national press.
  • Engagement with Highways Sector Council.
  • Developed policy briefings on sustainable transport, road safety and sustainable urban drainage (SUDS) for highways.
  • Hosted roundtables that influence white papers and other outputs on road safety and mobility pricing.
  • Provided media commentary, spoke at third-party events, presented views and opinion at CIHT events and through Transportation Professional (print and digital).
  • Published Report: Green and Blue Infrastructure (GBI) – A Transport Sector Perspective and engaged with national bodies on GBI – including the World Road Association, the UK Roads Leadership Group and Local Government Technical Advisors.
  • Engaged with National Highways to run a session on Road Investment Strategy at CIHT’s Council.
  • CIHT was a key part of the UK presence at the World Road Congress in close collaboration with the Department for Transport and the devolved administrations.
  • Spoken / presented at a variety of third-party events including round tables, conferences and webinars 
Maintain and develop relationships with national, devolved and regional governments, industry and the public 
  • Key stakeholder engagements with organisations including the Departments for Transport and Levelling-Up, Housing and Communities, National Highways, regional transport bodies and the devolved administrations.
  • Additional stakeholder engagements with ADEPT and across the Partnership Network.
  • Continued ongoing Secretariat support to the UK Roads Leadership Group and World Road Association.
  • Launch of Bus Centre of Excellence and supporting website / events etc. A project developed with support from the Department for Transport.
  • Involved and engaged with the Welsh Roads Review including Ministerial meeting.
  • Released regular media briefings, news analysis and opinion articles 
Encourage research and debate on a long-term vison for sustainable and integrated transport infrastructure 

Released raft of new policy projects including: 

  • Building carbon reduction into procurement processes.
  • The role of data and artificial intelligence in achieving transport decarbonisation.
  • How can we reduce emissions by 63% in a decade - lessons from the highways sector.
  • Green and blue infrastructure: A transport sector perspective 
Identify and share good practice through exchange of knowledge and information 
  • 2023 will see over 120 events delivered by CIHT.
  • More than 10,000 people will have attended CIHT events.
  • Moved to a thematic approach to our magazine Transportation Professional.
  • Ongoing engagement with all parts of UK public and private sector through CIHT Partnership Network activities.
  • CIHT Awards highlighted the best entries from over 200 submitted entries. Shortlisted entries added to ‘The Work’ section of CIHT website to provide new case studies and project overviews – CIHT Regions highlighted a range of projects.
  • Engagement with over 100 organisations in the Partnership Network, representing the private, public, research and higher education sectors  
Provide thought leadership on key highways and transportation issues 
  • Development and hosting of a Bus Centre of Excellence in England with Department for Transport.
  • Highlighted key issues of climate action, policy developments across UK, and member’s work via regular media briefings and news commentary.
  • Regular speaker at third-party events.
  • Release of regular views and thought leadership through blogs and other content releases.
  • CIHT Technical Champions are now established and contribute to our outputs.  


Promote the value of Membership

We said we would 

Achievements / Activities in 2023 

Help shape a long-term vision for the profession that will equip it to attract, retain and develop diverse talent 
  • Implemented our membership retention and recruitment strategy. Ninety-one per cent of existing members have retained their membership, with over 880 new members joining CIHT in 2023.
  • Held our Emerging Professional and Apprentice summit at Aston University, Birmingham with over 200 attendees.
  • Working with partners including Tomorrow’s Engineers, Engineering UK and STEM Ambassadors to promote the positive image of the profession Over 11000 hours of STEM ambassador activity has been undertaken.
  • Draft employment trends report reviewed, and recommendations drafted.
Provide equitable services and support to members wherever they are located 
  • Implementation of updated Regional Working Arrangements (RWA) that are promoting consistent levels of support across the UK irrespective of member location.
  • Regions adopted RWA framework at 2023 AGMs.
  • Revised AGM guidance provided to regions to ensure consistent experience for member.
  • We have increased support for International Groups.
  • MoU signed with Engineers New Zealand 
Build on our provision of international, national, and regional high quality, accessible events, seminars and networking opportunities 
  • Have delivered our mixed programme of events (over 120) embracing face to face, hybrid and online webinars.
  • Further enhanced CIHT Connect to offer a supplementary channel for online networking across the membership 
Launch a comprehensive membership strategy to achieve sustainable growth across all grades, diversify our membership profile and meet the future needs of the sector 
  • The strategy has been implemented via a supporting action plan throughout the year. This has included various campaigns in recruitment and retention.
  • External activity has seen CIHT provide membership surgeries / outreach activities at a variety of companies, trade events and open days.  
Have a membership and governance structure and composition that is more representative of the society we serve and suitable for a modern professional body
  • Inclusion of more members from a wider range of backgrounds in formal governance structures and working committees.
  • Updated role descriptions for regional roles.
  • EDI role on all regional committees.
  • Promotion of opportunities to get involved at all levels.
  • New volunteer strategy produced 

The tables above are some of the examples of activity we have been delivering on your behalf. We are fortunate to be a professional body that represents people and organisations working in highways, transportation and infrastructure, who through their work, make a real difference to society and the economy. We are proud to be part of this and we look forward to continue to support you through the work of the Institution. 

For 2024, we will be expanding many of the activities above and looking to deliver even more for you as members. We will be working more on our key themes of climate action (through more CPD support, guidance and good practice updates); equality, diversity and inclusion (for example, through a new EDI digital hub; and professionalism (through providing opportunities for members to develop and uphold professional standards and ethics). 

We want to hear more from you as well, later in 2024 we will be holding our member survey when we want to gather your views, thoughts and opinions on CIHT and the activities we carry out. Our volunteer strategy will be implemented throughout the year and will include more opportunities for members to get involved, so if you want to find out more or discuss anything on more detail, please contact e: 

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