CIHT North West Awards 2024 -winners announced

26th Jun 2024

The CIHT North West Region held its Annual Awards Dinner at Manchester Hall in Manchester on Thursday 20 June.

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The region’s Chair, Alex Parkin, welcomed over 150 guests and industry colleagues from across the region to celebrate the very best the North West offers across the key areas of highways and transportation. These Awards recognise the valuable work and incredible projects and people which help to make to lives of people living and working in the region easier and safer. 

Guests were joined by CIHT’s Immediate Past President, Karen McShane, together with representatives of the North East and Cumbria, North West and Cymru Wales regions. Compere for the evening was CIHT North West’s Vice Chair, Ian Robinson and the Awards presentation was led by regional committee and council member Barry Heaps.

The judging panel were impressed with the high calibre of entries throughout all of the categories, and the competition, as always, was very close. 

The committee would like to thank all the entrants for taking part and a special thanks goes to Fox Group, Kier, Bethell, Brightly and Huyton Asphalt for sponsoring the awards this year, as, without their support, this event would not be possible. 


Congratulations to all the winning and commended entries this year.

And thank you to all those who donated toward the Chair's nominated charity this year, the North West Air Ambulance. Your generous donations raised £3,000 on the night!

Project of the Year Award (under £5m)

Winner: Westhoughton Market Street Improvements, submitted by AECOM
Highly Commended: Merseyway Stockport, submitted by Bethell
Commended: Carbon Neutral Asphalt, submitted by Aggregate Industries
Commended: CYCLOPS Project St Helens, submitted by Huyton Asphalt Civils

Project of the Year Award (over £5m)

Winner: A533 Bridge Replacement, submitted by Sir Robert McAlpine
Highly Commended: A585 Windy Harbour to Skippool, submitted by Kier Transportation
Commended: The Warrington Bus Service Improvement Plan and Zero Emission Bus Regional Area, submitted by Warrington Borough Council
Commended: Trafford Road Improvement Scheme, submitted by Salford City Council

Environmental/Sustainability Award

Winner: Carbon Neutral Asphalt, submitted by Aggregate Industries
Highly Commended: The HALO Range of Proprietary Products, submitted by Huyton Asphalt Civils
Commended: The Warrington Bus Service Improvement Plan and Zero Emission Bus Regional Area, submitted by Warrington Borough Council

Safety and Well-Being Award

Winner: Using Artificial Intelligence to keep Operatives safe, submitted by Kier Transportation
Highly Commended: A586 Safer Roads Fund Blackpool, submitted by Pell Frischmann
Commended: Oldham Schools Streets and Active School Travel, submitted by Oldham Council

Best Practice Award

Winner: GeoPal, submitted by Bethell
Highly Commended: A533 Bridge Replacement, submitted by Sir Robert McAlpine
Commended: Riverside Drive Sparrow Crossing, submitted by AECOM

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Award

Winner: Manchester City Council's Highway Access Group, submitted by Manchester City Council
Commended: The BDP People Library, submitted by BDP

Emerging Professional Award

Winner: Amy Astill, Pell Frischmann
Highly Commended: Cam Rabbett, Pell Frischmann
Commended: Jacob hand (AECOM), Jonah Lockwood (Bethell), Alfie Curley (AECOM), Connah Evans (Bethell)

Apprentice of the Year Award

Winner: Jack Trolan, Pell Frischmann
Commended: Sophie Anderson, AECOM

Photos and video

The photos are now available to view:





This event was kindly sponsored by Bethell Construction LtdBrightly Software Ltd, Fox Group, Huyton Asphalt and Kier.







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