CIHT played a prominent role at Highways UK that took place on 17-18 October 2024.
Highways UK took place on the 17th and 18th of October 2024 at the NEC in Birmingham.
With over 300 speakers and exhibitors the event brought together the people responsible for planning, developing, managing, maintaining, and future-proofing the nation's roads networks. CIHT members and staff played a prominent role at the event. CIHT stand was busy with activity where CIHT colleagues were there, assisting people in their professional development, qualification and membership enquiries.
Below feature just some of the highlights from the event.
Chief Executive, Sue Percy was part of a panel on Connecting customers with confidence through an optimised strategic road network panel.
The panel was Chaired by Paul Hutton from Transport Times, and was joined by Nick Harris, Chief Executive of National Highways, Alex Robertson, CEO of Transport Focus, John Larkinson, Chief Executive Officer at the Office of Rail and Road, and David Buttery, Director, Roads Strategy at the Department for Transport.
CIHT members Zahraa Kandri and Federico Perrotta launched the PIARC UK young professional network at Highways UK leading a session at the Professional Development Hub.
The initiative - developed and led by Zahraa and Federico is the first young professional network for PIARC, the global roads body.
David Ogden, Fellow of CIHT and Chair of PIARC UK and David Buttery, UK First Delegate to PIARC introduced Lilian Greenwood MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State (Minister for Future of Roads) Minister to members of PIARC including a global delegation that attended the event. The introduction included a meeting with Zahraa Kandri, CIHT member who has been leading on establishing the PIARC UK young professional network.
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