CIHT responds to publication of Peninsula Transport Strategy

16th Jul 2024

The Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (CIHT) welcomes the publication of Peninsula Transport’s new Strategic Transport Priorities to 2050.

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CIHT is pleased to see that many of the strategic actions to be undertaken by Peninsula Transport, align closely to the recently published CIHT manifesto, such as:

  • Identify opportunities to improve accessibility and choice for all transport users
  • Maintain the safety, reliability and resilience of our existing transport networks
  • Create a fully integrated resilient, sustainable, safe and reliable transport network
  • Working towards a decarbonised transport network, with an emphasis on active travel, EV and charging infrastructure, and
  • Addressing transport supply and travel demand by ensuring the strategic road and rail network is meeting the demands the region
  • Address transport-related social exclusion through developing potential rural mobility schemes
  • Promoting the sharing and learning of expertise through establishing a Regional Centre of Excellence, to be shared with stakeholders and partners.
  • CIHT is looking forward to working with the Sub-National Transport Bodies in the UK to enable the delivery of better transport networks, that work for all. 

The Peninsula Transport Strategic Transport Priorities to 2050 is available to read here.

Notes to editors
The CIHT Manifesto ‘A transport network fit for all our futures’ is available to 
read here

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