As the Call for Ideas on the Integrated National Transport Strategy is out, CIHT wants your views to inform the Institution's response.
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A call for ideas to support the development of an Integrated National Transport Strategy for England.
The Department for Transport (DfT) is developing a strategy which will set the high-level direction for how transport should be designed, built and operated in England over the next 10 years. It will set out a single national vision which will put people who use transport and their needs at its heart and empower local leaders to deliver integrated transport solutions that meet the needs of their local communities.
The DfT are seeking views from transport users but also from companies and organisations that operate in the transport sector. Responses to this call for ideas will be considered in the drafting of the Integrated National Transport Strategy.
CIHT will be responding and we'd like your views to inform the CIHT response. Please fill out the form below to give your voice to Integrated National Transport Strategy, thanks - see below.
CIHT has previously called for the government to provide a clear vision and strategy that sets out how transport will contribute to key policy areas. CIHT has said it will work with government, other national bodies and sub-national transport groups to develop the vision and strategy.
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