What is the future of road investment

3rd Feb 2023

This episode of CIHT's Transport Talks focuses on the work of Road Investment Scrutiny Panel. In January 2023, the panel published a report called “Key questions for road investment and spending”.

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Professor Glenn Lyons, Chair of Road Investment Scrutiny Panel

Professor Glenn Lyons, Chair of Road Investment Scrutiny Panel

Steve Gooding, Visiting Professor at UWE Bristol and Director of the RAC Foundation

Steve Gooding, Visiting Professor at UWE Bristol and Director of the RAC Foundation

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This is a key moment for the future of our roads.

Against a challenging backdrop that includes legal requirement to meet net zero, high inflation, difficulties in delivering existing investment programmes and uncertainty about the future levels of demand.

This episode of CIHT's Transport Talks focuses on the work of Road Investment Scrutiny Panel. In January 2023, the panel published a report called “Key questions for road investment and spending”.

Hosted by Sara Zuin from CIHT and featuring:

Professor Glenn Lyons, Chair of Road Investment Scrutiny Panel
Professor Steve Gooding, at UWE Bristol and Director of the RAC foundation

To read the report: Key questions for road investment and spending


Key quotes:  


Glenn Lyons: "It's reasonable to raise the question when we look at the road investment history, about the make up of the  voices, experience and mindsets that come into that judgement process.... and just simply as our report highlights the diversity of issues from decarbonisation , to biodiversity, to social outcomes, to maintenance, as well as the economy, one quickly realises if there is a dearth of diversity in the conversation, in the decision-making there is a real risk the robustness of our decisions aren't meeting the standards we should expect for stewardship of the future
Steve Gooding: 'We very deliberately did not set out to say 'here are a set of conclusions, here is what you must do'.  That wasn't what we are about.  I'd like people to think about this as a start of a conversation, and if you're a member of CIHT it's a conversation you should be getting involved with.  



Future of Roads Survey

In 2023 the government will be consulting on the content of the 3rd Roads Investment Strategy (RIS3). This will establish objectives and an investment programme for the strategic road network managed by National Highways.
This is a key moment for the future of our roads and is taking place against a challenging backdrop that includes the legal requirement to meet decarbonisation targets, high inflation, difficulties in delivering the existing investment programme and uncertainty about future levels of demand.

In this survey we would like to understand your views on what the government’s goals should be, the problems and opportunities that need to be addressed, and the most promising routes to create a network that meets the future needs of users and society.

The results from this survey will be used to inform CIHT’s advice to the Government on RIS3 and wider roads policy

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