Government announce £290m funding for M3 connectivity

13th Mar 2025

Upgrades to support 2,000 planned homes, improve safety and air quality, and improve connectivity to Southampton and Portsmouth.

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The Department for Transport has announced a £290m funding package for the M3 J9 scheme in South Hampshire. 

The scheme aims to support the planned development of 2000 additional homes in Winchester. This investment is in support of the government’s ‘Plan for Change’ to deliver 1.5 million homes over the next 5 years. 

The government has given the green light to the project as part of a wider drive to unblock required transport infrastructure development. The development is expected to deliver economic benefits to the surrounding area, improve transport links to Southhampton and Portsmouth. 

The scheme will see the number of lanes on the M3 increased from 3 to 4 through the junction as it passes under a wider gyratory, with links between the M3 and the A34 in both directions. 

In addition to the M3 upgrades, improved active travel infrastructure will be added, including routes for pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders, connecting Kings Worthy and Winnall and Long Walk and Easton Lane. 

There will also be environmental benefits to the area, as National Highways will be introducing 22.2 acres of ancient chalk grassland, a species rich grass that has been depleted by almost 80% in the last century.  

More information on the announcement is available to read here.  

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