How is digital engineering transforming the industry?

22nd Apr 2021

This podcast episode explores the impacts of covid on the construction and transportation industry. Is the industry reinventing itself now from the covid pandemic? What is the role of digital communications in construction? Featuring an interview with Marek Suchocki from Autodesk.

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The construction industry is at an exciting point in time in utilising digital technologies in transforming itself.  There are, however, major challenges in making the industry more sustainable, in reducing the carbon involved in construction and in supporting a more circular economy.  However, Marek Suchocki from Autodesk outlines that this challenges need to be overcome and in doing so they will help attract the next generation into the industry.

Buildings are made of concrete and steel, both of which produce a lot of emissions when they’re being made. In fact, these two materials account for around 10 percent of the world’s annual greenhouse gases. Marek Suchocki from Autodesk said:

A substantial proportion of every construction project - 10-30% is waste...this is a bit opportunity to exploit.  
We are very much a bespoke industry, everything is a one off...[but a lot of construction is standard in dimensions] so why don't we fit components into that spacing and therefore we can minimise the waste.
Sustainable evaluation of projects has to be front and centre of projects if we are going to bring in this circular economy, reduced carbon - you've got to do this at the outset
We are still stuck in the cost and time mindset.  

The interview explores recent research that has been recently published on sustainability.  

To listen to the full series of podcasts go to 

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