Let's Talk Transport - Low Traffic Neighbourhoods

25th Feb 2021

In the second episode of the Let’s Talk Transport podcast series for CIHT Young Professionals, Annika and Rahul look at the impact of Low Traffic Neighbourhoods and the Mini-Hollands scheme. The podcast includes an interview with Professor Rachel Aldred, Professor of Transport at the University of Westminster and Director of the university's Active Travel Academy.

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Let’s Talk Transport is a new podcast series led by our CIHT Young Professionals. The series will cover several different topics across the year including sustainability, road safety and electric vehicles. The podcast is led by Annika Davies (Recruitment Officer for CIHT London) and Rahul Modhvadia (Young Professional Chair for CIHT Cymru Wales).

In the second episode, Annika and Rahul look at the implementation of Lower Traffic Neighbourhoods and the benefits and arguments made against them. The podcast includes an interview with Professor Rachel Aldred the Director of the University of Westminster's Active Travel Academy about the findings of her research into the Low Traffic Neighbourhood schemes.

The Active Travel Academy was set up in September 2019 and brings together a broad spectrum of expertise to lead research, teaching and knowledge exchange, with a focus on walking and cycling, use of 'micromobilities' from e-scooters to electric hand cycles; and reduction in car use. You can find out more about the Academy here: http://blog.westminster.ac.uk/ata/

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