Rachel Maclean MP and Minister for the Future of Transport and Decarbonisation has announced details of new Transport Champions to help tackle violence against women and girls on transport networks.
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The Transport Champions include Laura Shoaf, Chief Executive of West Midlands Combined Authority and Anne Shaw, Interim Managing Director of Transport for West Midlands and a Fellow of CIHT.
Anne Shaw FCIHT, Interim Managing Director of Transport for West Midlands said:
“I am really honoured to be one of the first champions to work with government on its strategy for tackling violence against women and girls on our transport networks. All women and girls should be able to rely on the transport system to keep them safe.”
Sue Percy, Chief Executive, CIHT said:
“CIHT has always been a strong advocate for both users and operators safety across transport networks. I am therefore pleased to see the appointment of the Transport Champions who are passionate about the issues and I welcome the focus on and the need to challenge peoples’ actions across the networks.
“We welcome Anne and Laura in these new roles and look forward to supporting them in making a difference.”
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