Opportunity to influence the future of land-use in England

28th Feb 2025

CIHT is seeking views from members to inform its response to new government consultation on land use framework for England.

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The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) has recently announced it will be consulting on the government’s vision for land use in England and how to deliver it. This consultation will inform the development of a Land Use Framework. 

CIHT is seeking views from its members to inform its response to the consultation, which can be found here. CIHT will be focussing on part 2 of the consultation (Q12 to Q16 which can be found between p26 and p31 of the consultation document). Please review the consultation document and submit views to the questions highlighted in this form. If you have any questions regarding this consultation, please email technical@ciht.org.uk

The deadline for responses is Friday 14 March.

Why this consultation is important 

CIHT has been an advocate for more effective use of land, particularly when it comes to the importance of location in the planning system. Following CIHT publications Better planning, better transport, better places (2019) and Fixing a failing planning and transport system (2022), CIHT was clear in its manifesto A transport network fit for all our futures (2024) that real change is needed in the planning system to enshrine the principles of integrated land use and transport planning.

Transport and connectivity is an important factor when considering how we use land and this is an opportunity for CIHT to ensure that the views of the sector are represented. In 2024, the Department for Transport published Land use and transport planning: DfT Science Advisory Council paper. The paper summarises the expert views shared in discussion, such as the need for better visibility of case studies on what ‘good’ or ‘different’ looks like, in terms of the development of new settlements on sustainability principles and the potential of designs based on triple access planning in supporting sustainable mobility, access to residents’ needs within a short walk or cycle ride, and supporting digital connectivity for all.

Help and Support 

If you have any queries, please email technical@ciht.org.uk  

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