Putting transport at the heart of the UK election debate

23rd May 2024

Yesterday, 22 May 2024, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak MP, announced that the date of the next UK general election would be the 4 July 2024. 

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This announcement starts the 6-week intensive campaigning period for all major political parties. 

The new Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (CIHT) Manifesto 'A transport network fit for all our futures' will be used to advocate to a future government how these transport objectives can be achieved and the benefits that can be realised.  

The manifesto is available to read here

The Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation looks forward to engaging with all major political parties and engaging with the next incoming government. 

Commenting Sue Percy CBE, Chief Executive, CIHT said: 

“Transport is politically challenging, and yet it plays a crucial part in our futures. People need an effective transport network to support their economic activity and social wellbeing.” 

“Over the next few months, CIHT will continue to show that a new clear and vision-led approach is needed from politicians and local and national governments.”

“CIHT will demonstrate to any incoming government that good transport provides access to employment, goods, services and opportunities as well as how society invests in and uses the transport network can impact on climate change and public health.”
You can read more about CIHT’s call’s for a new government in our manifesto - available here

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