The Green Party Manifesto - CIHT Comment

23rd Jun 2024

The Green Party has launched its 2024 manifesto ahead of the UK general election, which is due to be held on 4 July.

The manifesto details how the Green Party would bring a focus on active travel and community-based lifestyle, pledges to bring the railways back into public ownership, and devolve bus service and funding to local authorities. The Green Party Manifesto moves away from supporting traditional fossil fuel based travel, and promotes a cleaner, greener agenda. 

Further policies affecting transport announced by the Green Party include:

  • Investment and public infrastructure: The Green Party has pledged to Increase annual public subsidies for rail and bus travel to £10bn by the end of the next Parliament, with additional free bus travel for under-18s. The Green Party also pledges to invest a further £19bn to improve further public transport. Investment is also pledged for an additional £19bn over five years to improve public transport, support electrification and create new cycleways and footpaths, and investment of £2.5bn a year in new cycleways and footpaths. 
  • Devolution: The Party has pledged to give local authorities control over and funding for improved bus services. 
  • Net Zero: The Green Party has committed to several policies which further the goals of net zero by reducing emissions from fossil fuel vehicles. These policies include adopting Active Travel England’s objective of 50% of trips in England’s towns and cities to be walked, wheeled or cycled by 2030. The Party has also committed to enshrining clean air in the law by producing a new ‘Clean Air (Human Rights) Act’, giving everyone the right to breathe clean air. 
  • Accessibility: Make it mandatory for councils to provide free transport for 16-18 year old pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. 
  • Community: The Party has expressed a desire to return emphasis and focus back on communities, reimagining how we use streets in residential areas to reduce traffic and open them up for community use. 

The full Green Party 2024 Manifesto can be found here

Sue Percy CBE, Chief Executive, CIHT, said: 

“CIHT welcomes the publication of the Green Party’s 2024 Manifesto, which features some policies that align with our own CIHT Manifesto “ A Transport Network Fit for all our Futures”.”

“CIHT is looking forward to engaging and working with all major political parties and working to ensure a transport network that benefits the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland.”

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