Big Data is all around us - but what use is it if our roads are still congested, our cities crowded, our air polluting. How can we make meaningful change using insights from data?
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As planning for the recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic begins, it is impossible to say with any certainty how behaviours will change and if changes will be long-lasting. It hoped that the pandemic will cause a shift towards greater active travel which will help address some climate issues in transport but it is unclear what the outcome will be.
In a world awash with data, data analytics can be used to support decision making. Laurence Oakes-Ash, founder and CEO of City Science, acknowledges that there are many data models that that are untrue to real life. To combat this, he would like to see more data captured about what actually happened after a hypothesis. The real result can then be feedback into data models that are being developed.
When making policy decisions to increase cycling there is a large amount of best practice case studies. However, information is lacking from a data perspective. There is very little information on what interventions work best for specific locations.
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