TPP qualification 10-year review

5th Jul 2018

This year marks 10 years since the TPP qualification was launched.

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In the past decade since 2008 over 200 transport planners have secured TPP status with many more on their journey towards being qualified. A lot has changed in those 10 years.

The CIHT FUTURES initiative, in its engagement with over 200 transport professionals, explored the deep uncertainty we are facing regarding the future and what this means for our approach to transport planning and policymaking. One of the initiative’s recommendations was that the TPP competency requirements should be reviewed, to ensure their fitness for purpose in these changing times and into the future.

In late 2017 the TPP Professional Standards Committee, with the support of the CIHT and TPS Partnership Management Group, agreed its response to this recommendation. Professor Glenn Lyons, who led the CIHT FUTURES initiative, was asked to take forward the exercise now known as the ’10 Year Review of the TPP’. In the early months of 2018 a series of five workshops with TPP stakeholders took place in which the TPP technical skill and management skill units were reviewed.

Professor Lyons’ report shares the insights from this exercise and puts forward a number of recommendations based upon its overarching conclusion, namely that in terms of TPP documentation it “would benefit from, and indeed merits, a thorough review and revision”. The PSC and PMG have endorsed the report’s findings, setting the foundations for this undertaking to be pursued.
For a full copy of the report, see below
To find out more about the qualification, please contact e: or visit
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