Transport in focus at State Opening of Parliament

17th Jul 2024

- new government's legislative agenda looks to 'rebuild Britain'.

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State Opening of Parliament 2024

The Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (CIHT) responds to the State Opening of Parliament 2024 and the new government’s legislative agenda for the next parliamentary session. 

His Majesty King Charles III, today (17 July) delivered the newly elected Labour government’s legislative agenda for the next Parliamentary session at the state opening of Parliament. 

In the first State Opening of Parliament under this government, The King’s Speech unveiled 40 bills and draft bills which will support delivery of the government’s first steps in its mission to ‘rebuild Britain’. 

The focus of the Speech was on the themes of growth, security, fairness and opportunity for all. The King emphasised how the legislative agenda for the new government will ensure stability, growth and action. 

CIHT welcomes the announcement of the following pieces of highways and transportation related legislation:

  • Planning and Infrastructure Bill 
  • English Devolution Bill 
  • Passenger Railway Services (Public Ownership) Bill 
  • Better Buses Bill 
  • Railways Bill 
  • High Speed Rail (Crewe to Manchester) Bill
  • Skills England Bill 

Sue Percy, CBE, Chief Executive, CIHT, said

“We welcome the announcements as we hope these will begin to provide the certainty and a clarity of vision that will support the highways and transportation sector.”

“We are pleased to see that the priorities we identified in our manifesto (including improving and streamlining the planning system, investing in skills, improving bus services and sustainable transport networks) have been included in this legislative agenda. “

“CIHT will be reaching out to the government to offer support, advice and technical expertise to deliver on these aims.” 

Additional commentary on specific bills

Better Buses Bill 

The Bus Centre of Excellence (BCoE), which is funded by the Department for Transport (DfT) and run by the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (CIHT) welcomes the proposed Better Buses Bill and the potential it brings to help local communities gain greater control over their bus services. 

Stelios Rodoulis, Head of the Bus Centre of Excellence said:

“BCoE is committed to working closely with the DfT and local authorities to ensure that the opportunities provided by the Better Buses Bill are fully realised through the upskilling of bus professionals and sharing best practices to create a more efficient, high-quality and reliable bus network.”

Planning and Infrastructure Bill 

Sue Percy CBE, Chief Executive, CIHT said:

“We welcome the scope of this bill as CIHT believes that real change is needed in the planning system to enshrine the principles of integrated land use and transport planning.”

“Initial readings suggest the Bill is designed to make improvements to the planning system at a local level, updating planning committees and expanding the capacity of local planning authorities. We would support this as any changes to planning rules should encourage place-based solutions that create attractive built environments and lessen the need to travel.”

Skills England Bill 

Sue Percy CBE, Chief Executive, CIHT said:

“CIHT welcomes the announcement of the Skills England Bill and the potential to provide greater flexibility for employers to invest in upskilling the workforce. Any new legislation must enable investment in ensuring individuals can afford and access educational opportunities to sustain an appropriately skilled and motivated workforce.” 

“We would like to see more clarity on the future of apprenticeships. Apprenticeships have provided an important pathway into the sector and it’s important that there is a balance between upskilling the existing workforce and training new entrants to the sector.” 

CIHT is looking forward to working with the government on its new legislative agenda to enable the delivery of better transport networks, that work for all. 

For more information, please contact CIHT Public Affairs Manager:

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