The UK Prime Minister has today announced the cancellation of the HS2 rail link between the West Midlands and Manchester. This has come after considerable speculation about the project. The Prime Minister cited cost overruns, project delays and a change to the way we travel as considerable factors in this decision.
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The Prime Minister subsequently announced that the £36 billion saved will be reinvested in alternative transport and infrastructure projects (Network North).
Sue Percy CBE, Chief Executive, CIHT said:
“CIHT is disappointed that the decision to scrap the northern leg of HS2 has been made. There have undoubtedly been substantial cost overruns and delays on the project up to this point, some of this has been caused by changes to scope and ongoing uncertainty during the last few years. Our industry had been geared up to deliver this major infrastructure project and there will now be a real challenge in how to respond positively to this cancellation.”
“The cancellation of any major infrastructure project focuses scrutiny on how the highways and transport sector delivers projects and we will continue to support our members on what is still to be delivered.”
“The industry and public sector has committed significant resources to get to this point and has trained and recruited staff to deliver on this project. The uncertainty this brings to our sector should not be underplayed as organisations and the individuals working in it are unsure how committed any government would be to future major projects.”
“On initial reading, we welcome the promise to reinvest the money that was to be spent on HS2 on other transport and infrastructure schemes. There will be an opportunity for CIHT’s members across the highways and transportation sector to deliver the projects outlined by the Prime Minister today. We hope that these projects will see the light of day and we will be reviewing just what they mean for our sector over the next few days.”
CIHT will be analysing the detail behind these announcements in the coming days and more analysis will be available here.
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Today, the Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak announced the cancellation of the HS2 rail link between the West Midlands and Manchester.
In light of this major decision, we ask is the decision to scrap the northern leg of HS2 and replace with alternative projects / schemes good for transport?
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