Terminology Explained




Society of Road Safety Auditors - Professional organisation within CIHT that regulates auditor membership.


Design Manual for Roads and Bridges - UK national standard for highway design mandatory for use on the national road network.


Section of DMRB standard applicable to the conduct of road safety audits in UK.


Described in Roles and Responsibilities.

Scheme Manager

Described in Roles and Responsibilities.

Design Team

Described in Roles and Responsibilities.

DSM - Developer Scheme Manager

Described in Roles and Responsibilities.

HAAO - Highway Authority Authorising Officer

The designated officer in the road/highway authority responsible for approving conduct and acceptance of the road safety audit.

Road Safety Audit

Evaluation of a highway improvement scheme during design, at the end of construction and post-construction, to identify road safety problems and to suggest measures to eliminate or mitigate any concerns.

Non-strategic roads

Local roads not forming part of the national road network that are the responsibility of a municipal road or highway authority.

Strategic roads

Those roads of national importance that are the responsibility of the national road or highway authority.

Highways England

The government company responsible for operating, maintaining and improving England's motorways and major A roads forming the strategic road network.

Transport Scotland

The national transport agency for Scotland, delivering the Scottish Government's vision for transport.

Welsh Assembly

Body responsible for managing strategic roads in Wales.

TII - Transport Infrastructure Ireland 

Body responsible for manging roads in Republic of Ireland.

Stage F- Feasibility

Feasibility/Concept audits are conducted at an early stage when preliminary design plans may or may not have yet been generated. At this stage the advantages and disadvantages of major elements such as alignments and intersection types are assessed against each other from a safety perspective. 

Road Safety Impact Assessment

This is a formal procedure for an independent assessment of the likely effects of proposed road or traffic schemes, or indeed other schemes that have substantial effects on road traffic, upon accident occurrence throughout the road network upon which traffic conditions may be affected by the schemes.

Preliminary Design

Initial design stage where alignment, width and junction configuration has been decided, but not engineering detail.

Detailed Design

Finalised engineering design ready to be issued for construction.

Post Construction

Completion of construction, ideally prior to opening to public uses.

Post Opening Audit

Review of operation of completed scheme 12 months (at the end of contract maintenance period) after opening.

Monitoring Audit

Same as Post Opening Audit but necessary 12 months after opening.


Third-party project sponsor - not part of any road or highway authority.

TTM - Temporary Traffic Mangement

Temporary arrangements for general traffic movement aaround a worksite whilst specific work carried out.  UK standards are provided in Chapter 8 of the Traffic Signs Manual.

Traffic Signs Manual

UK Traffic Signs Manual offers advice to traffic authorities and their contractors, designers and managing agents in the United Kingdom, on the use of traffic signs and road markings on the highway network. Statutory requirement covered in current legislation Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions.

Scheme Manager

Scheme Manager is the person within a local authority or Developer organisation who is responsible for the project requiring a road safety audit.

DPM - Developer's Project Manager

Should be the Scheme Manager for consistency.

Exception Report

Report prepared by design team and signed by the client detailing any audit recomeendations NOT accepted giving reasons why.


Executive committee of a local authority with ultimate responsibility for approving policies and management.


Local authority members meeting wth delegated powers from Cabinet for decision making.


Road Safety Audit.

Local Authority

Road or highway authority with responsibility for management and operation of non strategic public roads.

Planning Application

Application for development in a local area not necessarily determined by a highway authority.


Any design requirement contained within the UK Design Manual for Roads and Bridges that is not being followed and requires specific approval by road authority.


Allowance for the designer in certain circumstances to design to less onerous / stringent requirements than required by the design standard.

Local Authority (LA)

Road/highway authority responsible for non-strategic roads.


Publically available software program that provides an easy way for members of the public, journalists, community groups or other interested parties to view information collected by the UK police forces relating to reported injury collisions.

Design Statement

A report required under English and Welsh planning law that sets out, illustrates and justifies the process that has led to the development proposals. It is required to be submitted to accompany a planning application.

Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA)

A technical analysis of traffic problems and safety issues relating to specific development.

Swept Path

The envelope swept out by the sides of the vehicle body, or any other part of the structure of the vehicle whilst moving through the highway network.


Denotes a standard document or form or response that is required in response to a specific requirement.

HD 19/15

UK standard requirement for undertaking road safety audit superseded by GG119.

Certificate of Competency

The SoRSA Certificate of Competence (CoC) is a nationally and internationally recognised assessment that validates your expertise in road safety engineering, collision investigation and/or road safety auditing. More information is available here.


Curriculum Vitae - detailed road safety expereince of proposed audit team member relevent o audit being undertaken.


Continuing Professional Development - requirement for qualified technical predfessionals to maintain learning  throughout their careers, usually BUT NOT NECESSARILY, achieved by atending courses and conferences.

Developer's Agent

Nominated person representing third party project sponsor in managing the audit.

Audit Team Leader

Qualified technical professional head of the audit team.

Maintenance Authority Representative

Technical repesentative of the highway maintaining authority invited to participate in the site vist for Stage 3 road safety audits. Needs to be recorded.

Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)

Systems in which information and communication technologies are applied in the field of road transport, including infrastructure, vehicles and users, and in traffic management and mobility management, as well as for interfaces with other modes of transport.

Signal Design

Design of traffic signal arrangments at intersections or crossing points on the highway.

Audit Team

Group of qualified and experienced safety experts approved to undertake the road safety audit of a specific stage or scheme.

Graphical Aid

Drawing or photograph that assists in location or explaining a specific problem.

(Audit) Feedback Form

Form summarising all actions taken through the audit process and signed by all parties - client/designer/auditor.

Highways Authority Director

Person legally responsible for all actions and decisions taken by the roads/highway authority.

Health and Safety File

A file appropriate to the characteristics of the project, containing relevant health and safety information to be taken into account during any subsequent project.