About Us

United Kingdom

The World Road Association of the United Kingdom exists to disseminate the work of WRA to its members, and represent the interests of the UK within WRA. It also has objectives to support the work of WRA and its Executive Committee; to promote and organise National Congresses and other meetings; and to support and guide UK members on international committees. It also co-ordinates and promotes the UK presence at World Road Congresses.

Communication with members is by means of a newsletter, Executive Committee meetings (to join the Committee please contact wra-uk@ciht.org.uk), the Annual General Meeting and yearly (except in the year of the International WRA Congress) WRA UK National Congresses.

The UK First Delegate is Stephen Fidler, Director of Local Transport at the Department for Transport.  The WRA (UK) Chair is Lila Tachtsi, Director of Asset Management at Highways England.



WRA has over 100 member countries from all over the world, from some of the richest nations to third world countries. Its aim is to share best practice and promote research into new developments in all aspects of road transport and technology.

WRA sets out its work in a Strategic Plan, published every four years following the World Road Congress. The work, under the four Strategic Themes is carried out by Technical Committees. Technical Committee reports and other WRA publications are available at a reduced cost to WRA UK members. WRA also produces a bimonthly magazine distributed to members containing news of the work of the Committees and reports from Congresses and other international conferences.

The WRA Executive Committee meets twice a year. Its functions are to:

  • identify emerging road and road transport issues and develop strategies for responding to them
  • be responsible for the management of the Association programmes and the work of Committees, ensuring that the work programme meets the Association's strategic goals
  • be responsible for the financial management of the Association
  • be responsible for the overall direction of the Association's internal and external communications, including publications policy
  • maintain liaison with the Organizing Committees of the World Road Congresses and implement the general format of the Congresses approved by the Council.

Further information can be found at www.piarc.org
