UK Executive Committee
The PIARC UK Executive Committee meets four times per year. The Executive Committee, through the leadership of the Chairman, provides the main focus of activities in the UK.
This includes managing the internal business, through the AGM, and also diseminating the work of the Association.
The First Delegate represents the UK at the international level.
PIARC UK Executive Committee constitution
The Executive Committee of WRA UK Committee shall comprise
- a) the Chair, who will normally preside over meetings and who will represent the WRA UK National Committee and the work of the International Association
- b) the First Delegate (ex officio), who is appointed by government, a nominated member of the Overseeing Organisations (OO’s) and is responsible for promoting the views of the WRA UK National Committee at the Council and the Executive Committee of the International Association.
- c) the Honorary Secretary (ex officio) , who is responsible for ensuring the wishes of the UK Committee are carried out and for overseeing the Secretariat
- d) the Treasurer (ex officio), who is responsible for all financial matters.
- e) the retiring Chair (ex officio)
- f) the retiring First Delegate (ex officio)
- g) Vice Chair, who will support the Chair and deputise for him
- h) Three nominated members one from each of the remaining Overseeing Organisation’s (OO’s) (ex officio)
- i) Six Member Representatives drawn one each from the:
- Representative of ADEPT
- Representative from a WRA Technical Committee
- Representative of Consulting Engineers
- Representative from the Highways Term Maintenance Association
- Representative of trade associations
- Representative from Academia/Research
- j) Plus up to four other members who may be co-opted by the WRA UK Committee to represent other government organisations such as DfT, DFID and UKTI or offer specialist roles that will assist the Executive Committee in the execution of its duties.