Join WRA

World Road Association Key Benefits:

Read about the benefits of being involved with the World Road Association: 

  1. Clients are increasingly looking to see that their suppliers are providing them with world class services.  PIARC provides access to world best practice that can be used to enhance your own business and services.  Furthermore, clients themselves are intrinsically involved in the development of this best practice - so if they know about it why don't you?
  2. PIARC provides world-class technical information fora on subjects that are relevant to your highway business.  Information and ideas from these will drive future policy decisions, allowing you to anticipate market change.  These committees also stimulate ideas and innovation which will help you stay at the cutting edge of these markets.
  3. For your staff engaged in the technical committees the opportunity to share and discuss ideas with like-minded professionals from across the world allows professional growth that can not be achieved in the UK alone.  This provides stimulation for your experts and brings kudos to your organisation as you will be representing the UK.
  4. Participation in the PIARC UK brings opportunity to engage with senior clients in a non-commercial environment.  It provides a platform for the exploration of ideas that will shape the markets we operate in going forward.  Participation in the technical committees provides an extraordinary contact network that will support your business activities internationally and benefit UK plc.  Furthermore, the nature of PIARC provides 'credibility by association' and thereby enhances the influence that your organisation would otherwise have.
  5. Even if you do not participate directly in the technical committees, PIARC holds regular feedback sessions for its members where the technical committee reps report progress and draw on ideas to take into the international arena. 

PIARC UK members benefit from the following:

  • Automatic membership of the PIARC
  • Access to UK based experts in each area of the World
  • Road Association mandate
  • Access to the latest news and research relevant to the highways industry in the UK
  • An opportunity to serve as a UK Representative on the PIARC Technical Committees
  • An opportunity to become a member of the PIARC UK Executive Committee
  • A quarterly journal - Routes/Roads
  • Access to the latest research from each Technical Committee. Regular written reports are given by the UK Representatives and there are also face to face meetings

Should members be unable to attend the World Congress, summary reports of key findings and conclusions are provided by key experts in each field.

Membership can be obtained for either a Company or an Individual.

Collective Membership of PIARC UK gives the entire company the opportunity to gain unparallel access to a worldwide network of government and transportation professionals. As a Collective member of PIARC, you will have the opportunity to become involved in the Technical Committees by volunteering the services of your employees to serve on one of the Committee’s or Task Forces - see for the details of these.

This opens up considerable global networking opportunities with like-minded experts through the regular meetings and e-mail contact. The company or organisation will also receive copies of the Journal Routes/Roads.

Further benefits of becoming a Collective Member are reduced registration rate to the World Road Congress and Winter Road Congress events.

Individual membership provides the above services for a single individual only. Individual membership is not transferable.

For more information on how to join the please email: 
