UK Nominations to the World Road Association 2024-2027

Appointment of members of PIARC Technical Committees 2024 – 2027

Thank you for your interest in becoming a UK representative to PIARC.

There are many benefits from engaging with experts from across the world who work within your field of expertise. There is the opportunity to shape thinking and offer advice and solutions on key transportation issues. This will support your professional development and offers a unique opportunity in working in a collaborative international environment.

We would particularly encourage a strong contribution to strengthen the diversity of PIARC. This will help demonstrate that the UK takes the need to improve diversity within the sector very seriously.

The UK has played an important role in PIARC producing its first Strategy on Gender Inclusion and Diversity (agreed at Council last year) that outlines a clear aspiration for improved gender balance within TC/TF. Support from you in achieving this would be vital to help make the strategic vision a reality in practice. We also have an aspiration that all TC/TF have a Young Professional represented on them, this is a stretching ambition but one that will support the next generation of professionals, support the development of global leadership for the UK, and help support succession planning within PIARC.

Deadline for nominations extended has now closed.
