DMRB has a number of defined roles that are specific to the UK trunk road organisational operational structure that can cause confusion when looked at in the local authority context.
This guidance has sought to redefine these roles to make clear where the responsibility lies.
Will always be the highway/roads authority as they have the statutory duty for road user safety. They may not be paying for the audit (e.g. for developer-led schemes) but they are the ones who require the audit to be undertaken.
If the project is a local authority or developer-led, designated Scheme Manager will be identified in the relevant organisation.
Undertakes the day to day management of the audit process. If the project is developer-led there will need to be an additional liaison between the developer and responsible Highway Authority Authorising Officer – HAAO (probably either a Highways development control officer or network engineer) who is responsible for ensuring the highway authority is satisfied with the scope and quality of the audit.
Is the group that is always responsible for the technical aspects of the design and for considering the technical feasibility of the audit recommendations and responding to the client on the appropriate course of action to be taken.
Is the person in the developer’s organisation responsible for the scheme or project delivery and will need to liaise with the HAAO as to the acceptability or otherwise of the design team solutions and agree on the final response to be approved by the Client.
Including the use of an individual auditor – are the ones who carry out the audit itself and submit the report to the client. Local policies will determine the training, qualifications and composition of the audit team on a case by case basis.
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